The Project
Project Summary
Moah Creek Solar Farm is located approximately 40 km west of Rockhampton in Central Queensland.
Moah Creek Solar Farm’s location was chosen for its capacity for solar generation, proximity to transmission lines, accessibility and our ability to achieve the project goals with minimal environmental and community impacts.
The Moah Creek Solar Farm project will supply the National Electricity Market (NEM) with electricity generated from solar power. Key features include:
Solar Energy Generation
The current Project design will generate up to 350MW of solar power into the NEM.
An electrical substation, connected to the proposed Moah Creek Wind Farm switching station.
Cable reticulation
Overhead and/or underground electrical cable reticulation to connect the modules to the substation.
Solar Monitoring Station
Sensors for measuring solar irradiance levels.
O&M building
Operations and maintenance building with associated car parking.
Temporary construction facilities
Including temporary construction compounds that will be used to store solar equipment, plant, and other construction materials during the construction phase of the Project.
Solar Farm Timeline
Site Selection & Feasibility
(12-18 mths)
Land identification
Constraints analysis and landowner mapping
Baseline environmental surveys
Initial non-intrusive site investigations, concept design and energy yields
Engagement with Traditional Owners and community reps
Construction & Commissioning (~29 mths)
Installation of solar PV modules and trackers
Construction of other project infrastructure including access tracks, substation, grid connection
Discharge planning and environmental conditions
Commissioning of solar farm
Grazing continues around constructed solar PV modules
(30-35 yrs)
Annual rental payments
Site managed by local operators
Grazing continues around the solar PV modules
Decommissioning (12 mths)
Development & Approval (12-16 mths)
Detailed site investigation and Project design work carried out
Irradiation assessment
Development Application materials prepared
Local community and key stakeholders consulted
Planning application submitted
Grid Connection Studies
(12-16 mths)
Analysis of connection options
Detailed design of substation and connection arrangement
Connection studies and assessment by AEMO and network provider
Financing & Further Site Investigations(12 mths)
Secure financing for the project
Sign contracts required to build the solar farm
Discharge planning and environmental conditions
Further site investigation works
The Project will require Development Approval from Rockhampton Regional Council, and we will also be referring the project to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) for review under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act). The community will be able to provide feedback on the Project during the DA process and the EPBC Act during public comment periods.
This website will be regularly updated as we progress through these key milestones for the Project.